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Olhando Para Dentro (notas)

Olhando Para Dentro 1930-1960 (Bruno Cardoso Reis) (Em História Política Contemporânea, Portugal 1808-2000, Maphre - nota...

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domingo, 31 de julho de 2016

Aquecimento Global; os pontos nos is!


Camille Pissarro - Paysage avec une vachère, c. 1872.

"Figure 2
The Younger Dryas is the focus of intense research, but also great speculation about the causative mechanism.
Other important points from Figures 1, 2 and 3 expose the lies and distortions about the last 120 years being anomalous include,
  • Current temperatures are proclaimed as the warmest on record. In fact, the world was warmer than today for 97 percent of the last 10,000 years.
  • The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) just 1000 years ago was 2°C warmer than today. The public is told that a similar warming will be catastrophic.
  • The Minoan warm period approximately 3500 years ago was 4°C warmer than today.
  • We are told the amount and rate of temperature increase in the last 100 years is abnormal. Compare the slope with any of the previous increases in Figure 2."

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