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Olhando Para Dentro 1930-1960 (Bruno Cardoso Reis) (Em História Política Contemporânea, Portugal 1808-2000, Maphre - nota...

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quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2016

A influência do Sol nas temperaturas da Terra


Davos In Summer, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 1925
   Um excelente trabalho, utilíssimo para que está, interessado em se informar, com mais profundidade, sobre a temática do Aquecimento Global. Trata-se de um resumo e vários trabalhos científicos em datas e locais diferentes, que mostram a correlação entre a atividade solar e as variações das temperaturas atmosféricas e oceânicas, desde há milénios!

"Robust Correlation: Ocean Temperatures and Solar Activity
Sejrup et al., 2010   (Norwegian Sea)

Response of Norwegian Sea temperature to solar forcing since 1000 A.D.

“Here we present an exceptionally well-dated marine sediment sequence in the eastern Norwegian Sea which records 1–2°C variations of temperature in northward flowing Atlantic waters that are robustly correlated with various estimates of solar activity spanning the last 1000 years. The temperature and solar proxy variations appear to be synchronous within dating errors, which, together with the large amplitude of the temperature signal and its correlation into central Europe, suggests strong coupling of the regional atmospheric and oceanic responses to the Sun.
- See more at:" 

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